|@|Past Demons|&|Present Hell|#|Contact The Suffering|^|Notes From The Living|&|A Little Info|*|About This Corpse|?|They Like Me!|"|Template Peoples|!|

2004-01-04|.:x:.|10:09 p.m.

So, you want to know more about me?

Well, I'm trying to get into medical school currently. My Ph.D was ok, but I just hated the whole thing and decided in my last terms to give up. Isn't that fun? I can't finish anything! Anyway, I always wanted to go to medical school, and that wasn't my future to be in biology.

I live with my boyfriend, that I'm sure will never become my husband. He simply doesn't want to get married even though I do. I don't know why he doesn't. I guess he gets the milk without buying the cow. The funny part is we never have sex because I hate myself so much. I really don't offer him much. Maybe this is the problem. He could leave!

Anyway, so, in my diary, you'll get to read all about my relationship with Alessio. My fun adventures with ballet and a bad knee from it. Also, my struggle with anorexia and bulimia will be nicely recorded. I've been one or the other or well both since I was 12. 9 years have passed since then, and I'm still trying to find myself. Maybe one day I'll have an entry proclaiming I've changed, but don't hold your breath. I'm sure you'll suffocate!

That's all about this corpse for now.
